Don't hesitate to contact us today! 281-225-0107

Helping patients understand and manage their conditions better

Disease State Management is a system of coordinated healthcare interventions and communications of populations with certain conditions in which patient self-care efforts can be implemented. It supports a patient-provider relationship and plan of care while evaluating clinical, humanistic, and economic outcomes on a regular basis with the goal of improving patient’s overall health. These will ultimately lead to:

  • Improve safety and quality of care
  • Improve access to care
  • Improve patient self-management
  • Improve patient’s quality of life

At A PLUS MEDICINE, our Disease State Management service addresses disease states like:

  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Cholesterol and many more

Need assistance? Ask our pharmacist.

We have registered and licensed pharmacists who can help you out with your inquiries and concerns regarding our pharmacy, services, and products offered. Feel free to call us or send us a message online if you have any question. We appreciate you reaching out to us! Stay safe and be healthy.

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pharmacist helping a couple